Bracelet Chakra Chip Balancing
A lovely colourful chakra bracelet. Chakra jewellery is often recommended for people who use Reiki or practice yoga to help enhance their spiritual and physical wellbeing and restore balance. Crystal chip bracelets are small tumbled pieces of crystal strung together on an elastic thread. The difference between these bracelets and power bracelets is that power bracelets are specifically carved into spheres and these are left a more natural shape. They are smooth crystals so will not ‘dig in’ to your skin. They will carry the same properties as an equivalent power bracelet. The decision is purely which you would prefer to wear.
The size of the crystal chips is fairly consistent and most of the small crystals have at least one side 4mm long.
Within the Aura are 7 main energy centres known as chakras. These spinning vortexes link the physical body to the spiritual body/ etheric duplicate. Chakras also have a physical counterpart as well.
Chakras are places of energy within the body that are located along the central channel that runs up the spine.
The first of the major seven chakras originates at the base of the spine and the last reaches up to the crown of the head. Each of the chakras has its own associations with a specific colour, physical impacts on the body.
1. The Root Chakra ( Red/Brown)
As the first of the chakras, located at the base of the spine, the Root Chakra is associated with the colour red and is often depicted with four petals surrounding a triangle within a square. It governs sexuality, stability, grounding, sensuality, and security.
2. The Sacral Chakra ( Orange)
Located at the sacrum, the Sacral Chakra is associated with the colour orange and is symbolized by a crescent moon within a lotus flower with six petals. It governs reproduction, creativity, joy, and enthusiasm. This is where the etheric body is said to link to the physical.
3. The Solar Plexus ( Yellow)
Located in the abdomen just above the navel, the Solar Plexus Chakra is often depicted using the colour yellow and symbolized as a downward facing triangle surrounded by ten petals. It governs digestion, personal power, expansiveness, and all matters of spiritual growth. This is also the clairscentient, clear feeling and sensing faculty.
4. The Heart Chakra ( Green)
Located in the chest, this green chakra is symbolized by a flower with twelve petals. Within the flower there are two intersecting triangles. It governs circulation, unconditional love (both for yourself and other people), passion, and devotion. It is the centre of emotions, the love link, where energies meet.
5. The Throat Chakra ( Blue)
Depicted by sixteen petals that surround a circle containing a crescent, the Throat Chakra is pale blue in colour and located at the thyroid gland in the throat. This chakra governs communication, independence, fluent thought, and a sense of security. This is also the centre of the clauraudient faculty, clear hearing.
6 .The Third Eye Chakra ( Indigo)
The Third Eye Chakra is located at the centre of the forehead and is symbolized by a lotus with two petals and is often associated with indigo, violet, or deep blue. It governs trusting the inner self, intuition, consciousness, and mental clarity. This is also the centre of the clairvoyant faculty, clear seeing.
7. The Crown Chakra  ( Purple)
At or above the crown of the head, the Crown Chakra is depicted as a lotus flower with a thousand petals. It is often multi coloured or white in representation. It governs wisdom. This is the centre that links cosmic energies, where the spirit leaves at death and connects to the flowing God force.
Good health and well being is achieved by all these energies being balanced. If you feel that one of your chakras is not functioning properly just put on this bracelet.
Additional information
Weight | 0.1 kg |
Dimensions | 5 × 5 cm |